

新人穿戴 What are the basic elements of website SEO optimization

新人穿戴 What are the basic elements of website SEO optimization

Station optimization. We know that thousands of tall buildings rise on the ground. When you try to build a skyscraper, you must lay a good foundation. For the SEO ranking of the website, the internal design and planning of the website is often the same as the foundation of the building. With a good framework, we can use weights reasonably to improve the ranking of related keywords. Therefore, you may need to pay attention to.

Targeting the correct keywords with certain groups of audience is definitely not a piece of cake. This is what calls for hiring a professional hong kong digital marketing company to do the right digital marketing of your business.

Internal website information architecture, including: home page, list, TAG tag settings and layout. Interconnection between internal pages, reasonable use of internal links for relevance recommendation. Whether the form of the page URL is pseudo-static or static. The configuration of the site map prompted new pages to be quickly included by Baidu. Diagnosis of specific server status codes, such as: errors 500, 404, etc. 

Page content, in a perfect website framework, is actually supported by page content. Therefore, when we first start operating a new website, we must pay more attention to the content planning and deployment of the website. You may need to pay attention to: Type, such as: text, short video, audio, or pure atlas.

Ensure high quality and high quality, and solve certain user search needs. The display form of the page, usually we recommend to use the form of the theme page, rather than using the form of TAG page aggregation, which requires the user to participate in more clicks.

You will find a wide range of Hong Kong digital marketing and hong kong seo services. Apart from SEO, our wide-ranging Hong Kong digital marketing tools and services include Search Engine Marketing (SEM) through which you can hit the nail on the hea

The homepage of the website, based on many years of practical experience, we believe that most SMEs are more optimized for the homepage of the website when doing website SEO ranking. Therefore, we need to pay special attention to the setting of the homepage. For example: in the TDK tags on the homepage, especially the matching of keywords in the title tags. Homepage core keywords, reasonable control of keyword density in the homepage layout. Homepage link planning, etc.

It is not just a hong kong seo company with expertise in Hong Kong country. It also caters to the Chinese market with immense talent and great coverage. It offers other services as well along with phenomenal SEO services.

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